EU Pollinator Hub
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Unione Nazionale Associazioni Apicoltori Italiani

Unione Nazionale Associazioni Apicoltori Italiani


The National Union of Italian Beekeepers Associations (UNAAPI) is an umbrella organisation of teh following associations:

  • The regiunal beekeeping associations of Piedmont, Liguria, Lombardy, Veneto, Friuli Venezia Giulia, Emilia-Romagna, Marche, Tuscany, Lazio, Campania, Abruzzo, Molise, Apulia, Basilicata, Calabria, Sicily and Sardinia;
  • Aapi – Italian Professional Beekeepers Association
  • Copait – Association for the production and valorisation of fresh Italian royal jelly
  • Aissa – Association for the Preservation and Selection of Apis mellifera

UNAAPI is committed, for the protection of bees and beekeeping, to collective actions, programmes and activities of at least national scope. It's priority commitment is the defence of environmental quality; bees are, in fact, a very fragile sensor and exceptional sentinel of the progressive degradation of rural biodiversity. The proposals and actions of the Unaapi network are developed in the various activities:

  • Representing the needs of the beekeeping sector to regional, national and European institutions, bodies and organisations;
  • Identification of health issues and indications for safeguarding beekeeping farms;
  • Commitment to the improvement and genetic variety of bees;
  • Sharing and proposing technical breeding options and technological/productive innovations;

UNAAPI has started fruitful collaborations with major organisations in the agricultural, environmental and food sector, committing itself in various ways to the defence of biodiversity, life and rural production. The leaders of UNAAPI are leading beekeepers, who have chosen to translate their passion for the world of bees into a commitment to do and build together. UNAAPI is distinguished by its active and consolidated commitment to creating and supporting a network of professional beekeeping technicians. It's 'light' organisational structure focuses its limited available resources on training, information, association, regulatory and above all cultural initiatives. Stimulating, activating, and organising dynamics of continuous production, sharing, circulation and communication of knowledge is, today, an indispensable prerequisite and priority, in order to contribute to preserving the future of bees and beekeeping.






Castel San Pietro Terme (BO), Via San Carlo 526/A



Registered since

27 December 2023 16:53:52

Last updated

4 March 2024 12:45:19

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