EU efforts towards the development of a holistic approach for the risk assessment on Multiple Stressors in Bees

This dataset contains data from the project “Research project on field data collection for honey bee colony model evaluation”. Field data collection was outsourced by ESFA to public research organisations and carried out in 6 experimental apiaries in Denmark and Portugal, with the main field observations being conducted in 2019 and 2020. Climate variables were recorded continuously, and availability of floral resources was mapped regularly in the landscapes surrounding each apiary (within an area of 1.5 km radius). Adult bee population, brood and provision were assessed approximately every three weeks in experimental colonies. Furthermore, the weight of colonies was logged continuously during the field seasons by automatic hive scales. At four sites, foraging activity was monitored continuously in 1-2 colonies in 2019 and 2020. Spatial foraging was decoded from honey bee waggle dances observed once per month in four apiaries, at the same time as floral mapping. Finally, samples for analysis of diseases (varroa, Nosema and viruses), pesticide residues and botanical composition of pollen were collected. All data were organized in the present relational database.


  • Yoko L D, Nuno C, Per K, Joana A, Jørgen A A, Mette G B et al. 2021 Research project on field data collection for honey bee colony model evaluation. In: EFSA Supporting Publications. Vol. 18, (7) p. 6695E. doi: 10.2903/sp.efsa.2021.EN-6695
  • Readme

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  • Licence

    This file contains dataset licencing information.

  • Dataset00012_mustb_static.pdf

    This document provides an exploratory analysis and graphical summary of the dataset. The code needed to reproduce this report and analyses is provided in another file.

  • Dataset00012_mustb_interactive.html

    This html report provides interactive graphs for a subset of the data. The code needed to reproduce this report and analyses is provided in another file.

  • Dataset Report

    This file contains in detail the structure of the dataset.

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6 December 2023 00:00:00


Apis mellifera, Denmark, Nosema, Portugal, Varroa, colony development, floral resources, pesticides, pollen composition

Data collection years


Regions, the data was collected in

Danmark, Portugal
European Food Safety Authority 2023. EU efforts towards the development of a holistic approach for the risk assessment on Multiple Stressors in Bees doi:
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Average score: 5.0 over all categories.
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No regulatory standard applied.

Technical Standards
Fully EFSA EN-1234 compliant

Data collection and processing was fully compliant with the specifications for field data collection contributing to honey bee model corroboration and verification of the European Food Safety Authority.


  • Authority EFS 2017 Specifications for field data collection contributing to honey bee model corroboration and verification. In: EFSA Supporting Publications. Vol. 14, (5) p. 1234E. doi: 10.2903/sp.efsa.2017.EN-1234

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