A term from the Darwin Core standard:
The full name, with authorship and date information if known, of the currently valid (zoological) or accepted (botanical) dwc:Taxon.
The full scientific name, with authorship and date information if known, of the accepted (botanical) or valid (zoological) name in cases where the provided dwc:scientificName is considered by the reference indicated in the dwc:nameAccordingTo property, or of the content provider, to be a synonym or misapplied name. When applied to a dwc:Organism or dwc:Occurrence, this term should be used in cases where a content provider regards the provided dwc:scientificName to be inconsistent with the taxonomic perspective of the content provider. For example, there are many discrepancies within specimen collections and observation datasets between the recorded name (e.g., the most recent identification from an expert who examined a specimen, or a field identification for an observed dwc:Organism), and the name asserted by the content provider to be taxonomically accepted.
- Tamias minimus (valid name for Eutamias minimus)