Data import
Start database service from the XAMPP control panel
- Start the services from the XAMPP Control Panel.
Import Data
- Select the table into which you want to import data.
- Select Import from the horizontal menu.
- Proceed to section File to import:
- Select the file to be imported from the dialog box.
- Select the Character set of the file (coding). By default select utf-8.
- Proceed to section Partial Import:
- Check the box next to Allow the interruption of an import in case the script detects it is close to the PHP timeout limit.
- Enter the number of queries to be skipped if the data to be uploaded contains a header to 1
- Proceed to section Other options:
- Check the box next to Enable foreign key checks.
- Proceed to section Format:
- Proceed to section Format-specific options:
- Do not check the box next to Update data when duplicate keys found on import (add ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE.
- Enter the sign used to separate columns in the preparatory file in Columns separated with.
- Enter the sign used to enclose columns in the preparatory file in Columns enclosed with.
- Do not check the box next to Do not abort on INSERT error.
- Select Import.
- Check the information provided by the system
- Does the system report Import has been successfully finished?
- Does the number of executed queries correspond to the number of rows containing data in the corresponding worksheet of the preparatory file?
- Does the name of the imported file correspond to the file that was supposed to be imported?
- Repeat all previous steps of this paragraph for all tables contained in the database.
See also