European Honey Market

Etienne Bruneau, Cindy Adolphe, Noa Simon Delso, Sebastian Spiewok, dr Mag. rer. nat. Michael Rubinigg


The EU beekeeping sector faces significant challenges, marked by competition from low-cost imports, rising production costs, and widespread fraud. In 2022, the EU produced approximately 286,000 t of honey, covering only about 60% of its demand. The EU relies heavily on imports, with China alone accounting for 36% (68,000 t) of the total imported honey. However, a recent study by EU authorities found that 46% of the analysed samples of imported honey from non-EU countries were suspected of not complying with the Honey Directive. Common fraudulent practices include the addition of sugar syrups and mislabelling of the geographical origin, resulting in prices as low as 1.4€/kg.

Environmental pressures, such as climate change and loss of nectar and pollen sources coupled with rising production costs (e.g., a 62% increase in feed costs from 2021 to 2023), have further strained EU beekeepers. These factors have driven some local producers to the brink of extinction, mainly commercial operations specialising in the sale of honey in drums. Despite a temporary surge in demand for honey during the COVID-19 pandemic, inflation and reduced purchasing power have led to a decline in consumer sales. We recommend stricter enforcement of measures to ensure honey authenticity and further quality standards, improved traceability, and financial support for EU beekeepers to safeguard the sector and maintain market stability and consumer trust.

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To the Copa-Cogeca Working Party Honey for its help and expertise on certain specific paragraphs, for the work carried out, and for sharing the results of the structured and analysed questionnaire internally. To all beekeepers and their national associations from the different Member States who, individually, in associations and cooperatives that contributed to data collection. To the National Honey Observatory in Italy.


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Europe, exports, fraud, honey market, imports, production costs, trade

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dr Mag. rer. nat. Michael Rubinigg 2025 European Honey Market. EU Pollinator Hub. (2) [2025-03-09]

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