Dataset: B-GOOD Weather Data

Dataset from the B-GOOD project, containing the relevant weather data at the study sites.
Published: 2025-03-17
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Requires major revision

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The dataset contains data from weather stations in the vicinity of the test apiaries located in Belgium, Switzerland, Germany, France, the Netherlands, Portugal, Romania and United Kingdom in 2020 and 2021. It was published by van Dooremalen C (WR) on the B-GOOD Bee Health Data Portal as part of the B-GOOD project (grant agreement 817622), funded under the EU Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Programme.


  1. Dooremalen C. 2024 WP1 Tier 1 weather data B-GOOD. B-GOOD Bee Health Data Portal. [2024-10-28]

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Unresolved quality issues for data 2021 all countries
  1. In columns temperature, temperature_min, temperature_max, feelslike and dew_point from the device located in Romania 9.095 records contain values > 100°C. These records must be revised by the data provider.
  2. The description of the data (metadata) is largely inclomplete and allows no clear standardisation of the data.
    • For column temperature ist is unclear, how the temperature is reported in the single raw data files (either measured at any time during this interval (for example, at the very end) or calculated as arithmetic mean from all measurements or from a subset of measurements in this interval).
    • For column feelslike it is unclear which algorithm was used to calculate the values reported in the raw data files.
    • For column dew_point it is unclear which algorithm was used to calculate the values reported in the raw data files.
    • For column RH ist is unclear, how the relative humidity is reported in the single raw data files (either measured at any time during this interval (for example, at the very end) or calculated as arithmetic mean from all measurements or from a subset of measurements in this interval).
    • For column atmpressure_pa and atmpressureh_pa it is unclear, how the atmospheric pressure is reported in the single raw data files (either measured at any time during this interval (for example, at the very end) or calculated as arithmetic mean from all measurements or from a subset of measurements in this interval)
    • For data reported in column atmpressure_sealevel_Pa and atmpressure_sealevel_hPa is is unclear which algorithm was used to calculate the values reported in the raw data files.
    • For data reported in column atmpressure_grndlevel_hPa is is unclear what is reported in the raw data file.
    • For data reported in column rain_counter is is unclear what is reported in the raw data file.
    • For data reported in column rain_max is is unclear what is reported in the raw data file.
    • For data reported in column valid_ticks is is unclear what is reported in the raw data file.
    • For column wind_speed_ms and wind_speed_kmh it is unclear, how the wind speed is reported in the single raw data files (either measured at any time during this interval (for example, at the very end) or calculated as arithmetic mean from all measurements or from a subset of measurements in this interval).
    • For column wind_gust_ms and wind_gust_kmh it is unclear, how the wind gust is reported in the single raw data files (either measured at any time during this interval (for example, at the very end) or calculated as arithmetic mean from all measurements or from a subset of measurements in this interval).
    • For column wind_deg it is unclear, how the wind direction is reported in the single raw data files (either measured at any time during this interval (for example, at the very end) or calculated as arithmetic mean from all measurements or from a subset of measurements in this interval).
    • For column irradiance it is unclear, how the solar irradiance is reported in the single raw data files (either measured at any time during this interval (for example, at the very end) or calculated as arithmetic mean from all measurements or from a subset of measurements in this interval).
    • For column energy density it is unclear, how the rate of solar radiation is reported in the single raw data files (either measured at any time during this interval (for example, at the very end) or calculated as arithmetic mean from all measurements or from a subset of measurements in this interval).
    • For data reported in column clouds is is unclear what is reported in the raw data file.
    • For data reported in column visibility is is unclear what is reported in the raw data file.
    • For data reported in column carbon_dioxide is is unclear what is reported in the raw data file. Since this column does not contain data in either of the two tables, it could also be deleted.
    • For data reported in column payload is is unclear what is reported in the raw data file.
    • For data reported in column time_sync_error_s is is unclear what is reported in the raw data file.
    • For data reported in column seq_number_modem is is unclear what is reported in the raw data file.
    • For data reported in column seq_number_firmware is is unclear what is reported in the raw data file. Since this column does not contain data in either of the two tables, it could also be deleted.
    • For data reported in column temperature_wetbulb_stull2011_C is is unclear what is reported in the ray data file.
  3. Data in raw data files acquired in 2021 contain
    • 8 quadruplicate records for the same date and time in raw data files from the device in Romania. These records must be revised by the data provider.
    • 76 triplicate records for the same date and time (3 x 23 records in raw data files from the device in Switzerland, 3 x 53 records in raw data files from the device in Romania). These records must be revised by the data provider.
    • 1763 duplicate records for the same date and time (2 x 293 records in raw data files from the device in Switzerland, 2 x 1470 records in a raw data file from the device in Romania). These records must be revised by the data provider.
Unresolved quality issues for data 2020 all countries
  1. In columns temperature, temperature_min, temperature_max, feelslike and dew_point obtained from the device located in Romania 21.694 records contain values > 100°C. These records must be revised by the data provider.
  2. In 3 records from the device in Belgium values are out of range. These records must be revised by the data provider.
  3. The description of the data (metadata) is largely incomplete and allows no clear standardisation of the data.
    • For column temperature it is unclear, how the temperature is reported in the single raw data files (either measured at any time during this interval (for example, at the very end) or calculated as arithmetic mean from all measurements or from a subset of measurements in this interval).
    • For column feelslike it is unclear which algorithm was used to calculate the values reported in the raw data files.
    • For column dewpoint it is unclear which algorithm was used to calculate the values reported in the raw data files.
    • For column RH it is unclear, how the relative humidity is reported in the single raw data files (either measured at any time during this interval (for example, at the very end) or calculated as arithmetic mean from all measurements or from a subset of measurements in this interval).
    • For column atmpressure_pa and atmpressureh_pa it is unclear, how the atmospheric pressure is reported in the single raw data files (either measured at any time during this interval (for example, at the very end) or calculated as arithmetic mean from all measurements or from a subset of measurements in this interval).
    • For data reported in column atmpressure_sealevel_Pa and atmpressure_sealevel_hPa it is unclear which algorithm was used to calculate the values reported in the raw data files.
    • For data reported in column atmpressure_grndlevel_hPa it is unclear what is reported in the ray data file.
    • For data reported in column rain_counter it is unclear what is reported in the raw data file.
    • For data reported in column rain_max it is unclear what is reported in the raw data file.
    • For data reported in column valid_ticks it is unclear what is reported in the raw data file.
    • For column wind_speed_ms and wind_speed_kmh it is unclear, how the wind speed is reported in the single raw data files (either measured at any time during this interval (for example, at the very end) or calculated as arithmetic mean from all measurements or from a subset of measurements in this interval).
    • For column wind_gust_ms and wind_gust_kmh it is unclear, how the wind gust is reported in the single raw data files (either measured at any time during this interval (for example, at the very end) or calculated as arithmetic mean from all measurements or from a subset of measurements in this interval).
    • For column wind_deg it is unclear, how the wind direction is reported in the single raw data files (either measured at any time during this interval (for example, at the very end) or calculated as arithmetic mean from all measurements or from a subset of measurements in this interval).
    • For column irradiance it is unclear, how the solar irradiance is reported in the single raw data files (either measured at any time during this interval (for example, at the very end) or calculated as arithmetic mean from all measurements or from a subset of measurements in this interval).
    • For column energy density it is unclear, how the rate of solar radiation is reported in the single raw data files (either measured at any time during this interval (for example, at the very end) or calculated as arithmetic mean from all measurements or from a subset of measurements in this interval).
    • For data reported in column clouds it is unclear what is reported in the raw data file.
    • For data reported in column visibility it is unclear what is reported in the raw data file.
    • For data reported in column carbon_dioxide it is unclear what is reported in the raw data file. Since this column does not contain data in either of the two tables, it could also be deleted.
    • For data reported in column payload it is unclear what is reported in the raw data file.
    • For data reported in column time_sync_error_s it is unclear what is reported in the raw data file.
    • For data reported in column seq_number_modem it is unclear what is reported in the raw data file.
    • For data reported in column seq_number_firmware it is unclear what is reported in the raw data file. Since this column does not contain data in either of the two tables, it could also be deleted.
    • For data reported in column temperature_wetbulb_stull2011_C it is unclear what is reported in the raw data file.
  4. Data in raw data files acquired in 2020 contain:
    • 9 triplicate records for the same date and time (3 x 8 records in raw data files from the device in Switzerland, 3 x 1 record in a raw data file from the device in Romania). These records must be revised by the data provider.
    • 413 duplicate records for the same date and time (2 x 272 records in raw data files from the device in Switzerland, 2 x 141 records in a raw data file from the device in Romania). These records must be revised by the data provider.

Unique Identifier




Quality Validated

Peer review

No peer review was requested.


No DOI available.



Access rights



Apis mellifera, honey bee, weather

Regions, the data was collected in

Belgique/België, Deutschland, France, Nederland, Portugal, România, Schweiz/Suisse/Svizzera, United Kingdom
B-GOOD Bee Health Data Portal 2025 Dataset from the B-GOOD project, containing the relevant weather data at the study sites.. EU Pollinator Hub. [2025-03-26]
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