Avenue Louise 209/7, 1050 Brussels, Belgium • • +32 (0) 486 973 920
Dataset Report
UID: GRSSD225.0.0
Status: World Development Indicators - Gross Domestic Product (GDP)
Title: Approved
Version: v. 1.1
Date: 2025-01-28
Citation proposal:
2025. Report of dataset WDI-GDP, v. 1.1 [GRSSD225.0.0].
Compliance with FAIR* principles
* See for more information about FAIR principles
Data Quality
Under evaluation
This document is intended for use by collaborators of the EU Pollinator Hub and may be passed on with the express permission of the leader of the consortium and for the purpose determined by the leader of the consortium.

Document History


Version v. 1.1 released on 2025-02-03.


Table 1. List of revisions made to the document. Identifier of revision (No); date of revision (Date); description of revision (Description); reason for revision (Reason).
No Date Description Reason
1 2025-02-03 06:02:32 Initial release. N.A.


No Abbreviations.

Executive Summary

Data overview:


Data value:


Data description:


Data application:




Material and Methods

Data Acquisition

Table 2. List of raw data and metadata files included in the dataset. Identifier of table row (No); name of the file (File); the type of the file (Type); file contains data (D); file contains metadata (M); date of upload of the file to the EU Pollinator Hub (Arrival); number of data points contained within the file (if applicable); uploaded file size.
No File Type D M Arrival Data points File size
1 Data_GDPconstantLCU_PREP_MR_250128.csv CSV - Comma seperated values Yes No 2025-01-28 17:01:16 102,144 1.12 MiB
2 Metadata_GDPconstantLCU.csv Miscellaneous No Yes 2025-01-28 17:01:51 n/a 817.00 B
3 Data_GDPcurrentLCU_PREP_MR_250128.csv CSV - Comma seperated values Yes No 2025-01-28 16:01:53 102,144 1.10 MiB
4 Metadata_GDPcurrentLCU.csv Miscellaneous No Yes 2025-01-28 17:01:13 n/a 805.00 B
5 Data_GDPcurrentUSD_PREP_MR_250128.csv CSV - Comma seperated values Yes No 2025-01-28 16:01:33 102,144 1.16 MiB
6 Metadata_GDPcurrentUSD.csv Miscellaneous No Yes 2025-01-28 17:01:33 n/a 3.07 KiB

Data Preparation


Data Validation


Data Analysis


Data Description


Table 3. Summary of tables belonging to the dataset. Table row identifier (No); name of the table (Table); description of the table (Description).
No Table Description
1 GDP (constant LCU) GDP is the sum of gross value added by all resident producers in the economy plus any product taxes and…
2 GDP (current LCU) GDP at purchaser's prices is the sum of gross value added by all resident producers in the economy plus any…
3 GDP (current USD) GDP at purchaser's prices is the sum of gross value added by all resident producers in the economy plus any…
Table 4. Standardised metadata of the dataset. Reported parameter (Parameter); content of the parameter (Content).
Parameter Content
UID GRSSD225.0.0
Title World Development Indicators - Gross Domestic Product (GDP)
Licence CC BY 4.0
DOI n/a
Creation date 2025-01-28
Publishing date 2025-01-28
Contact information n/a
Keywords GDP, Gross Domestic Product, World Bank Group
Data collection years n/a
Regions, the data was collected in Belgique/België, Danmark, Deutschland, Eesti, España, France, Hrvatska, Italia, Latvija, Liechtenstein, Lietuva, Luxembourg, Magyarország, Malta, Nederland, Norge, Ostösterreich, Polska, Portugal, România, Schweiz/Suisse/Svizzera, Shqipëria, Slovenija, Slovensko, Srbija/Сpбија, Suomi/Finland, Sverige, Türkiye, United Kingdom, Éire/Ireland, Ísland, Česko, Ελλάδα , Κύπρος , България , Северна Македонија, Црна Гора

The World Development Indicators (WDI) is the primary World Bank collection of development indicators, compiled from officially-recognized international sources. It presents the most current and accurate global development data available, and includes national, regional and global estimates. Gross domestic product (GDP) is a monetary measure of the market value of all the final goods and services produced and rendered in a specific time period by a country or countries.

Table 5. Standardised metadata of the data provider World Bank Group. Reported parameter (Parameter); content of the parameter (Content).
Parameter Content
Name World Bank Group
Acronym WBG
Country United States of America (the)
Contact information n/a

The World Bank Group (WBG) is a family of five international organizations that make leveraged loans to developing countries. Its five organizations are:

  • the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (IBRD)
  • the International Development Association (IDA)
  • the International Finance Corporation (IFC)
  • the Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency (MIGA)
  • the International Centre for Settlement of Investment Disputes (ICSID) The first two are sometimes collectively referred to as the World Bank.


GDP (constant LCU)

Table 6. Standardised metadata of the table. Reported parameter (Parameter); content of the parameter (Content).
Parameter Content
Name GDP (constant LCU)
Type File
Licence CC BY 4.0


Table 7. Structural analysis of the table. Column name (Name); concise description of the column (Description); data type in which values are stored (Data type); EUPH-Descriptor (Descriptor); unit in which the values are provided (Unit).
Name Description Data type Descriptor Unit
Series Name Name of World Development Indicator for which the data is reported. String collectionCode [0.0.CLLCT629]


Series Code Code of the World Bank collection from which the data was obtained. String collectionCode [0.0.CLLCT629]


Country Name Country or area for which the GDP was measured. String m49Area [0.0.MAREA519]


Country Code Country or area for which the GDP was measured. String m49Code [0.0.MCODE356]


Year Year for which the GDP is provided. Integer number year [0.0.YEARA340]


value Value expressed in constant Local Currency Unit (LCU) Decimal number gdpConstant [0.0.GDPCN797]


Metadata of individual tables can be found in Annex 1.

Descriptive Measures

Table 8. Content analysis of the table. Column name (Name); range of length of characters (Length); arithmetic mean of values in column (Mean); lowest value in column (Min); first quartile of values in column (Q1); median of values in column (Median); third quartile of values in column (Q3); highest value in column (Max); number of records (Total); number and percentage (between brackets) of all values containing NULL (Missing), the value 0 (Zero), exclusively blank characters (Blank), and of distinct values including NULL, Zero and blank (Distinct).
Name Length Mean Min Q1 Median Q3 Max Total Missing Zero Blank Distinct
Series Name 18 - 18 n/a GDP (constan… n/a n/a n/a GDP (constan… 17,024 0 ( 0.0% ) 0 ( 0.0% ) 0 ( 0.0% ) 1 ( 0.0% )
Series Code 14 - 14 n/a NY.GDP.MKTP.… n/a n/a n/a NY.GDP.MKTP.… 17,024 0 ( 0.0% ) 0 ( 0.0% ) 0 ( 0.0% ) 1 ( 0.0% )
Country Name 4 - 52 n/a Afghanistan n/a n/a n/a Zimbabwe 17,024 0 ( 0.0% ) 0 ( 0.0% ) 0 ( 0.0% ) 266 ( 1.6% )
Country Code 3 - 3 n/a ABW n/a n/a n/a ZWE 17,024 0 ( 0.0% ) 0 ( 0.0% ) 0 ( 0.0% ) 266 ( 1.6% )
Year 4 - 4 1,991.5 1,960 1,975.25 1,991.5 2,007.75 2,023 17,024 0 ( 0.0% ) 0 ( 0.0% ) 0 ( 0.0% ) 64 ( 0.4% )
value 10 - 18 92,683,125,852,826.0781250000000 523.23050109192 19,439,956,275 286,551,539,300 2,480,494,914,285.51 16,617,976,000,000,000 17,024 5,810 ( 34.1% ) 0 ( 0.0% ) 0 ( 0.0% ) 11,179 ( 65.7% )

Quality Measures

Table 9. Quality analysis of the table. Column name (Name); completeness of the column (Completeness); uniqueness of the column (Uniqueness); most common value in the column (Most Common Value); least common value in the column (Least Common Value).
Name Completeness Uniqueness Most Common Value Least Common Value
Series Name
GDP (constant LCU) GDP (constant LCU)
Series Code
Country Name
Afghanistan Afghanistan
Country Code
1960 1960
n/a 3903895200000.0

Changes made to preparatory file


Changes made to data


Unresolved issues


GDP (current LCU)

Table 10. Standardised metadata of the table. Reported parameter (Parameter); content of the parameter (Content).
Parameter Content
Name GDP (current LCU)
Type File
Licence CC BY 4.0


Table 11. Structural analysis of the table. Column name (Name); concise description of the column (Description); data type in which values are stored (Data type); EUPH-Descriptor (Descriptor); unit in which the values are provided (Unit).
Name Description Data type Descriptor Unit
Series Name Name of World Development Indicator for which the data is reported. String collectionCode [0.0.CLLCT629]


Series Code Code of the World Bank collection from which the data was obtained. String collectionCode [0.0.CLLCT629]


Country Name Country or area for which the GDP was measured. String m49Area [0.0.MAREA519]


Country Code Country or area for which the GDP was measured. String m49Code [0.0.MCODE356]


Year Year for which the GDP is provided. Integer number year [0.0.YEARA340]


value Value expressed in current Local Currency Unit (LCU) Decimal number gdpCurrent [0.0.GDPCR796]


Metadata of individual tables can be found in Annex 1.

Descriptive Measures

Table 12. Content analysis of the table. Column name (Name); range of length of characters (Length); arithmetic mean of values in column (Mean); lowest value in column (Min); first quartile of values in column (Q1); median of values in column (Median); third quartile of values in column (Q3); highest value in column (Max); number of records (Total); number and percentage (between brackets) of all values containing NULL (Missing), the value 0 (Zero), exclusively blank characters (Blank), and of distinct values including NULL, Zero and blank (Distinct).
Name Length Mean Min Q1 Median Q3 Max Total Missing Zero Blank Distinct
Series Name 17 - 17 n/a GDP (current… n/a n/a n/a GDP (current… 17,024 0 ( 0.0% ) 0 ( 0.0% ) 0 ( 0.0% ) 1 ( 0.0% )
Series Code 14 - 14 n/a NY.GDP.MKTP.… n/a n/a n/a NY.GDP.MKTP.… 17,024 0 ( 0.0% ) 0 ( 0.0% ) 0 ( 0.0% ) 1 ( 0.0% )
Country Name 4 - 52 n/a Afghanistan n/a n/a n/a Zimbabwe 17,024 0 ( 0.0% ) 0 ( 0.0% ) 0 ( 0.0% ) 266 ( 1.6% )
Country Code 3 - 3 n/a ABW n/a n/a n/a ZWE 17,024 0 ( 0.0% ) 0 ( 0.0% ) 0 ( 0.0% ) 266 ( 1.6% )
Year 4 - 4 1,991.5 1,960 1,975.25 1,991.5 2,007.75 2,023 17,024 0 ( 0.0% ) 0 ( 0.0% ) 0 ( 0.0% ) 64 ( 0.4% )
value 3 - 18 84,667,306,995,398.21875000000 0.0 3,008,809,650 49,835,861,750 790,176,250,000 143,039,267,000,000,000 17,024 5,566 ( 32.7% ) 3 ( 0.0% ) 0 ( 0.0% ) 11,410 ( 67.0% )

Quality Measures

Table 13. Quality analysis of the table. Column name (Name); completeness of the column (Completeness); uniqueness of the column (Uniqueness); most common value in the column (Most Common Value); least common value in the column (Least Common Value).
Name Completeness Uniqueness Most Common Value Least Common Value
Series Name
GDP (current LCU) GDP (current LCU)
Series Code
Country Name
Afghanistan Afghanistan
Country Code
1960 1960
n/a 1154699100000.0

Changes made to preparatory file


Changes made to data


Unresolved issues


GDP (current USD)

Table 14. Standardised metadata of the table. Reported parameter (Parameter); content of the parameter (Content).
Parameter Content
Name GDP (current USD)
Type File
Licence CC BY 4.0


Table 15. Structural analysis of the table. Column name (Name); concise description of the column (Description); data type in which values are stored (Data type); EUPH-Descriptor (Descriptor); unit in which the values are provided (Unit).
Name Description Data type Descriptor Unit
Series Name Name of World Development Indicator for which the data is reported. String collectionCode [0.0.CLLCT629]


Series Code Code of the World Bank collection from which the data was obtained. String collectionCode [0.0.CLLCT629]


Country Name Country or area for which the GDP was measured. String m49Area [0.0.MAREA519]


Country Code Country or area for which the GDP was measured. String m49Code [0.0.MCODE356]


Year Year for which the GDP is provided. Integer number year [0.0.YEARA340]


value Value expressed in curreln United States Dollar (USD) Decimal number gdpCurrent [0.0.GDPCR796]


Metadata of individual tables can be found in Annex 1.

Descriptive Measures

Table 16. Content analysis of the table. Column name (Name); range of length of characters (Length); arithmetic mean of values in column (Mean); lowest value in column (Min); first quartile of values in column (Q1); median of values in column (Median); third quartile of values in column (Q3); highest value in column (Max); number of records (Total); number and percentage (between brackets) of all values containing NULL (Missing), the value 0 (Zero), exclusively blank characters (Blank), and of distinct values including NULL, Zero and blank (Distinct).
Name Length Mean Min Q1 Median Q3 Max Total Missing Zero Blank Distinct
Series Name 17 - 17 n/a GDP (current… n/a n/a n/a GDP (current… 17,024 0 ( 0.0% ) 0 ( 0.0% ) 0 ( 0.0% ) 1 ( 0.0% )
Series Code 14 - 14 n/a NY.GDP.MKTP.… n/a n/a n/a NY.GDP.MKTP.… 17,024 0 ( 0.0% ) 0 ( 0.0% ) 0 ( 0.0% ) 1 ( 0.0% )
Country Name 4 - 52 n/a Afghanistan n/a n/a n/a Zimbabwe 17,024 0 ( 0.0% ) 0 ( 0.0% ) 0 ( 0.0% ) 266 ( 1.6% )
Country Code 3 - 3 n/a ABW n/a n/a n/a ZWE 17,024 0 ( 0.0% ) 0 ( 0.0% ) 0 ( 0.0% ) 266 ( 1.6% )
Year 4 - 4 1,991.5 1,960 1,975.25 1,991.5 2,007.75 2,023 17,024 0 ( 0.0% ) 0 ( 0.0% ) 0 ( 0.0% ) 64 ( 0.4% )
value 9 - 17 1,184,720,366,607.383300781 2,585,955.87411804 2,293,250,000 16,921,087,954.573 201,337,554,959.49 106,171,667,873,321.0 17,024 2,717 ( 16.0% ) 0 ( 0.0% ) 0 ( 0.0% ) 14,179 ( 83.3% )

Quality Measures

Table 17. Quality analysis of the table. Column name (Name); completeness of the column (Completeness); uniqueness of the column (Uniqueness); most common value in the column (Most Common Value); least common value in the column (Least Common Value).
Name Completeness Uniqueness Most Common Value Least Common Value
Series Name
GDP (current US$) GDP (current US$)
Series Code
Country Name
Afghanistan Afghanistan
Country Code
1960 1960
n/a 17930583571.3055

Changes made to preparatory file


Changes made to data


Unresolved issues



There are no sources in the current document.


Annex 1: Table column reports

GDP (constant LCU)

Series Name

Table 18. Standardised metadata of the column. Reported parameter (Parameter); content of the parameter (Content).
Parameter Content
Name Series Name
Description Name of World Development Indicator for which the data is reported.
Data type String
Descriptor dwc:collectionCode [UID:0.0.CLLCT629]
Descriptor description

A term from the Darwin Core standard:

The name, acronym, coden, or initialism identifying the collection or data set from which the record was derived.



Table 19. Content analysis of the table. Column name (Name); range of length of characters (Length); arithmetic mean of values in column (Mean); lowest value in column (Min); first quartile of values in column (Q1); median of values in column (Median); third quartile of values in column (Q3); highest value in column (Max); number of records (Total); number and percentage (between brackets) of all values containing NULL (Missing), the value 0 (Zero), exclusively blank characters (Blank), and of distinct values including NULL, Zero and blank (Distinct).
Name Length Mean Min Q1 Median Q3 Max Total Missing Zero Blank Distinct
Series Name 18 - 18 n/a GDP (constan… n/a n/a n/a GDP (constan… 17,024 0 ( 0.0% ) 0 ( 0.0% ) 0 ( 0.0% ) 1 ( 0.0% )
Table 20. Quality analysis of the table. Column name (Name); completeness of the column (Completeness); uniqueness of the column (Uniqueness); most common value in the column (Most Common Value); least common value in the column (Least Common Value).
Name Completeness Uniqueness Most Common Value Least Common Value
Series Name
GDP (constant LCU) GDP (constant LCU)
Data Distribution Top 20
Figure 1. Distribution of 20 most common values, from highest to lowest.
Figure 2. Visualization of completeness of the data in the column.
Figure 3. Visualization of uniqueness of the data in the column.

Series Code

Table 21. Standardised metadata of the column. Reported parameter (Parameter); content of the parameter (Content).
Parameter Content
Name Series Code
Description Code of the World Bank collection from which the data was obtained.
Data type String
Descriptor dwc:collectionCode [UID:0.0.CLLCT629]
Descriptor description

A term from the Darwin Core standard:

The name, acronym, coden, or initialism identifying the collection or data set from which the record was derived.



Table 22. Content analysis of the table. Column name (Name); range of length of characters (Length); arithmetic mean of values in column (Mean); lowest value in column (Min); first quartile of values in column (Q1); median of values in column (Median); third quartile of values in column (Q3); highest value in column (Max); number of records (Total); number and percentage (between brackets) of all values containing NULL (Missing), the value 0 (Zero), exclusively blank characters (Blank), and of distinct values including NULL, Zero and blank (Distinct).
Name Length Mean Min Q1 Median Q3 Max Total Missing Zero Blank Distinct
Series Code 14 - 14 n/a NY.GDP.MKTP.… n/a n/a n/a NY.GDP.MKTP.… 17,024 0 ( 0.0% ) 0 ( 0.0% ) 0 ( 0.0% ) 1 ( 0.0% )
Table 23. Quality analysis of the table. Column name (Name); completeness of the column (Completeness); uniqueness of the column (Uniqueness); most common value in the column (Most Common Value); least common value in the column (Least Common Value).
Name Completeness Uniqueness Most Common Value Least Common Value
Series Code
Data Distribution Top 20
Figure 4. Distribution of 20 most common values, from highest to lowest.
Figure 5. Visualization of completeness of the data in the column.
Figure 6. Visualization of uniqueness of the data in the column.

Country Name

Table 24. Standardised metadata of the column. Reported parameter (Parameter); content of the parameter (Content).
Parameter Content
Name Country Name
Description Country or area for which the GDP was measured.
Data type String
Descriptor unsd:m49Area [UID:0.0.MAREA519]
Descriptor description

Countries or areas or geographic region used for statistical processing purposes by the Statistics Division of the United Nations Secretariat.



Table 25. Content analysis of the table. Column name (Name); range of length of characters (Length); arithmetic mean of values in column (Mean); lowest value in column (Min); first quartile of values in column (Q1); median of values in column (Median); third quartile of values in column (Q3); highest value in column (Max); number of records (Total); number and percentage (between brackets) of all values containing NULL (Missing), the value 0 (Zero), exclusively blank characters (Blank), and of distinct values including NULL, Zero and blank (Distinct).
Name Length Mean Min Q1 Median Q3 Max Total Missing Zero Blank Distinct
Country Name 4 - 52 n/a Afghanistan n/a n/a n/a Zimbabwe 17,024 0 ( 0.0% ) 0 ( 0.0% ) 0 ( 0.0% ) 266 ( 1.6% )
Table 26. Quality analysis of the table. Column name (Name); completeness of the column (Completeness); uniqueness of the column (Uniqueness); most common value in the column (Most Common Value); least common value in the column (Least Common Value).
Name Completeness Uniqueness Most Common Value Least Common Value
Country Name
Afghanistan Afghanistan
Figure 7. Visualization of completeness of the data in the column.
Figure 8. Visualization of uniqueness of the data in the column.

Country Code

Table 27. Standardised metadata of the column. Reported parameter (Parameter); content of the parameter (Content).
Parameter Content
Name Country Code
Description Country or area for which the GDP was measured.
Data type String
Descriptor unsd:m49Code [UID:0.0.MCODE356]
Descriptor description

Three-digit numerical code of countries or areas used for statistical processing purposes by the Statistics Division of the United Nations Secretariat.



Table 28. Content analysis of the table. Column name (Name); range of length of characters (Length); arithmetic mean of values in column (Mean); lowest value in column (Min); first quartile of values in column (Q1); median of values in column (Median); third quartile of values in column (Q3); highest value in column (Max); number of records (Total); number and percentage (between brackets) of all values containing NULL (Missing), the value 0 (Zero), exclusively blank characters (Blank), and of distinct values including NULL, Zero and blank (Distinct).
Name Length Mean Min Q1 Median Q3 Max Total Missing Zero Blank Distinct
Country Code 3 - 3 n/a ABW n/a n/a n/a ZWE 17,024 0 ( 0.0% ) 0 ( 0.0% ) 0 ( 0.0% ) 266 ( 1.6% )
Table 29. Quality analysis of the table. Column name (Name); completeness of the column (Completeness); uniqueness of the column (Uniqueness); most common value in the column (Most Common Value); least common value in the column (Least Common Value).
Name Completeness Uniqueness Most Common Value Least Common Value
Country Code
Figure 9. Visualization of completeness of the data in the column.
Figure 10. Visualization of uniqueness of the data in the column.


Table 30. Standardised metadata of the column. Reported parameter (Parameter); content of the parameter (Content).
Parameter Content
Name Year
Description Year for which the GDP is provided.
Data type Integer number
Descriptor dwc:year [UID:0.0.YEARA340]
Descriptor description

A term from the Darwin Core standard:

The four-digit year in which the dwc:Event occurred, according to the Common Era Calendar.



Table 31. Content analysis of the table. Column name (Name); range of length of characters (Length); arithmetic mean of values in column (Mean); lowest value in column (Min); first quartile of values in column (Q1); median of values in column (Median); third quartile of values in column (Q3); highest value in column (Max); number of records (Total); number and percentage (between brackets) of all values containing NULL (Missing), the value 0 (Zero), exclusively blank characters (Blank), and of distinct values including NULL, Zero and blank (Distinct).
Name Length Mean Min Q1 Median Q3 Max Total Missing Zero Blank Distinct
Year 4 - 4 1,991.5 1,960 1,975.25 1,991.5 2,007.75 2,023 17,024 0 ( 0.0% ) 0 ( 0.0% ) 0 ( 0.0% ) 64 ( 0.4% )
Table 32. Quality analysis of the table. Column name (Name); completeness of the column (Completeness); uniqueness of the column (Uniqueness); most common value in the column (Most Common Value); least common value in the column (Least Common Value).
Name Completeness Uniqueness Most Common Value Least Common Value
1960 1960
Data Distribution Top 20
Figure 11. Distribution of 20 most common values, from highest to lowest.
Data Distribution Bottom 20
Figure 12. Distribution of 20 least common values, from lowest to highest.
Figure 13. Visualization of median, min, max, and outliers in the column.
Figure 14. Visualization of completeness of the data in the column.
Figure 15. Visualization of uniqueness of the data in the column.


Table 33. Standardised metadata of the column. Reported parameter (Parameter); content of the parameter (Content).
Parameter Content
Name value
Description Value expressed in constant Local Currency Unit (LCU)
Data type Decimal number
Descriptor beexml:gdpConstant [UID:0.0.GDPCN797]
Descriptor description

Gross Domestic Product (GDP) expressed in constant (or "real") in the prices of a chosen reference year.



Table 34. Content analysis of the table. Column name (Name); range of length of characters (Length); arithmetic mean of values in column (Mean); lowest value in column (Min); first quartile of values in column (Q1); median of values in column (Median); third quartile of values in column (Q3); highest value in column (Max); number of records (Total); number and percentage (between brackets) of all values containing NULL (Missing), the value 0 (Zero), exclusively blank characters (Blank), and of distinct values including NULL, Zero and blank (Distinct).
Name Length Mean Min Q1 Median Q3 Max Total Missing Zero Blank Distinct
value 10 - 18 92,683,125,852,826.0781250000000 523.23050109192 19,439,956,275 286,551,539,300 2,480,494,914,285.51 16,617,976,000,000,000 17,024 5,810 ( 34.1% ) 0 ( 0.0% ) 0 ( 0.0% ) 11,179 ( 65.7% )
Table 35. Quality analysis of the table. Column name (Name); completeness of the column (Completeness); uniqueness of the column (Uniqueness); most common value in the column (Most Common Value); least common value in the column (Least Common Value).
Name Completeness Uniqueness Most Common Value Least Common Value
n/a 3903895200000.0
Continuous Data Distribution
Figure 16. Distribution of values in the column.
Figure 17. Visualization of median, min, max, and outliers in the column.
Figure 18. Visualization of completeness of the data in the column.
Figure 19. Visualization of uniqueness of the data in the column.

Changes made to preparatory file


Changes made to data


Unresolved issues


GDP (current LCU)

Series Name

Table 36. Standardised metadata of the column. Reported parameter (Parameter); content of the parameter (Content).
Parameter Content
Name Series Name
Description Name of World Development Indicator for which the data is reported.
Data type String
Descriptor dwc:collectionCode [UID:0.0.CLLCT629]
Descriptor description

A term from the Darwin Core standard:

The name, acronym, coden, or initialism identifying the collection or data set from which the record was derived.



Table 37. Content analysis of the table. Column name (Name); range of length of characters (Length); arithmetic mean of values in column (Mean); lowest value in column (Min); first quartile of values in column (Q1); median of values in column (Median); third quartile of values in column (Q3); highest value in column (Max); number of records (Total); number and percentage (between brackets) of all values containing NULL (Missing), the value 0 (Zero), exclusively blank characters (Blank), and of distinct values including NULL, Zero and blank (Distinct).
Name Length Mean Min Q1 Median Q3 Max Total Missing Zero Blank Distinct
Series Name 17 - 17 n/a GDP (current… n/a n/a n/a GDP (current… 17,024 0 ( 0.0% ) 0 ( 0.0% ) 0 ( 0.0% ) 1 ( 0.0% )
Table 38. Quality analysis of the table. Column name (Name); completeness of the column (Completeness); uniqueness of the column (Uniqueness); most common value in the column (Most Common Value); least common value in the column (Least Common Value).
Name Completeness Uniqueness Most Common Value Least Common Value
Series Name
GDP (current LCU) GDP (current LCU)
Data Distribution Top 20
Figure 20. Distribution of 20 most common values, from highest to lowest.
Figure 21. Visualization of completeness of the data in the column.
Figure 22. Visualization of uniqueness of the data in the column.

Series Code

Table 39. Standardised metadata of the column. Reported parameter (Parameter); content of the parameter (Content).
Parameter Content
Name Series Code
Description Code of the World Bank collection from which the data was obtained.
Data type String
Descriptor dwc:collectionCode [UID:0.0.CLLCT629]
Descriptor description

A term from the Darwin Core standard:

The name, acronym, coden, or initialism identifying the collection or data set from which the record was derived.



Table 40. Content analysis of the table. Column name (Name); range of length of characters (Length); arithmetic mean of values in column (Mean); lowest value in column (Min); first quartile of values in column (Q1); median of values in column (Median); third quartile of values in column (Q3); highest value in column (Max); number of records (Total); number and percentage (between brackets) of all values containing NULL (Missing), the value 0 (Zero), exclusively blank characters (Blank), and of distinct values including NULL, Zero and blank (Distinct).
Name Length Mean Min Q1 Median Q3 Max Total Missing Zero Blank Distinct
Series Code 14 - 14 n/a NY.GDP.MKTP.… n/a n/a n/a NY.GDP.MKTP.… 17,024 0 ( 0.0% ) 0 ( 0.0% ) 0 ( 0.0% ) 1 ( 0.0% )
Table 41. Quality analysis of the table. Column name (Name); completeness of the column (Completeness); uniqueness of the column (Uniqueness); most common value in the column (Most Common Value); least common value in the column (Least Common Value).
Name Completeness Uniqueness Most Common Value Least Common Value
Series Code
Data Distribution Top 20
Figure 23. Distribution of 20 most common values, from highest to lowest.
Figure 24. Visualization of completeness of the data in the column.
Figure 25. Visualization of uniqueness of the data in the column.

Country Name

Table 42. Standardised metadata of the column. Reported parameter (Parameter); content of the parameter (Content).
Parameter Content
Name Country Name
Description Country or area for which the GDP was measured.
Data type String
Descriptor unsd:m49Area [UID:0.0.MAREA519]
Descriptor description

Countries or areas or geographic region used for statistical processing purposes by the Statistics Division of the United Nations Secretariat.



Table 43. Content analysis of the table. Column name (Name); range of length of characters (Length); arithmetic mean of values in column (Mean); lowest value in column (Min); first quartile of values in column (Q1); median of values in column (Median); third quartile of values in column (Q3); highest value in column (Max); number of records (Total); number and percentage (between brackets) of all values containing NULL (Missing), the value 0 (Zero), exclusively blank characters (Blank), and of distinct values including NULL, Zero and blank (Distinct).
Name Length Mean Min Q1 Median Q3 Max Total Missing Zero Blank Distinct
Country Name 4 - 52 n/a Afghanistan n/a n/a n/a Zimbabwe 17,024 0 ( 0.0% ) 0 ( 0.0% ) 0 ( 0.0% ) 266 ( 1.6% )
Table 44. Quality analysis of the table. Column name (Name); completeness of the column (Completeness); uniqueness of the column (Uniqueness); most common value in the column (Most Common Value); least common value in the column (Least Common Value).
Name Completeness Uniqueness Most Common Value Least Common Value
Country Name
Afghanistan Afghanistan
Figure 26. Visualization of completeness of the data in the column.
Figure 27. Visualization of uniqueness of the data in the column.

Country Code

Table 45. Standardised metadata of the column. Reported parameter (Parameter); content of the parameter (Content).
Parameter Content
Name Country Code
Description Country or area for which the GDP was measured.
Data type String
Descriptor unsd:m49Code [UID:0.0.MCODE356]
Descriptor description

Three-digit numerical code of countries or areas used for statistical processing purposes by the Statistics Division of the United Nations Secretariat.



Table 46. Content analysis of the table. Column name (Name); range of length of characters (Length); arithmetic mean of values in column (Mean); lowest value in column (Min); first quartile of values in column (Q1); median of values in column (Median); third quartile of values in column (Q3); highest value in column (Max); number of records (Total); number and percentage (between brackets) of all values containing NULL (Missing), the value 0 (Zero), exclusively blank characters (Blank), and of distinct values including NULL, Zero and blank (Distinct).
Name Length Mean Min Q1 Median Q3 Max Total Missing Zero Blank Distinct
Country Code 3 - 3 n/a ABW n/a n/a n/a ZWE 17,024 0 ( 0.0% ) 0 ( 0.0% ) 0 ( 0.0% ) 266 ( 1.6% )
Table 47. Quality analysis of the table. Column name (Name); completeness of the column (Completeness); uniqueness of the column (Uniqueness); most common value in the column (Most Common Value); least common value in the column (Least Common Value).
Name Completeness Uniqueness Most Common Value Least Common Value
Country Code
Figure 28. Visualization of completeness of the data in the column.
Figure 29. Visualization of uniqueness of the data in the column.


Table 48. Standardised metadata of the column. Reported parameter (Parameter); content of the parameter (Content).
Parameter Content
Name Year
Description Year for which the GDP is provided.
Data type Integer number
Descriptor dwc:year [UID:0.0.YEARA340]
Descriptor description

A term from the Darwin Core standard:

The four-digit year in which the dwc:Event occurred, according to the Common Era Calendar.



Table 49. Content analysis of the table. Column name (Name); range of length of characters (Length); arithmetic mean of values in column (Mean); lowest value in column (Min); first quartile of values in column (Q1); median of values in column (Median); third quartile of values in column (Q3); highest value in column (Max); number of records (Total); number and percentage (between brackets) of all values containing NULL (Missing), the value 0 (Zero), exclusively blank characters (Blank), and of distinct values including NULL, Zero and blank (Distinct).
Name Length Mean Min Q1 Median Q3 Max Total Missing Zero Blank Distinct
Year 4 - 4 1,991.5 1,960 1,975.25 1,991.5 2,007.75 2,023 17,024 0 ( 0.0% ) 0 ( 0.0% ) 0 ( 0.0% ) 64 ( 0.4% )
Table 50. Quality analysis of the table. Column name (Name); completeness of the column (Completeness); uniqueness of the column (Uniqueness); most common value in the column (Most Common Value); least common value in the column (Least Common Value).
Name Completeness Uniqueness Most Common Value Least Common Value
1960 1960
Data Distribution Top 20
Figure 30. Distribution of 20 most common values, from highest to lowest.
Data Distribution Bottom 20
Figure 31. Distribution of 20 least common values, from lowest to highest.
Figure 32. Visualization of median, min, max, and outliers in the column.
Figure 33. Visualization of completeness of the data in the column.
Figure 34. Visualization of uniqueness of the data in the column.


Table 51. Standardised metadata of the column. Reported parameter (Parameter); content of the parameter (Content).
Parameter Content
Name value
Description Value expressed in current Local Currency Unit (LCU)
Data type Decimal number
Descriptor beexml:gdpCurrent [UID:0.0.GDPCR796]
Descriptor description

Gross Domestic Product (GDP) expressed in current (or “nominal”) prices for a particular year.



Table 52. Content analysis of the table. Column name (Name); range of length of characters (Length); arithmetic mean of values in column (Mean); lowest value in column (Min); first quartile of values in column (Q1); median of values in column (Median); third quartile of values in column (Q3); highest value in column (Max); number of records (Total); number and percentage (between brackets) of all values containing NULL (Missing), the value 0 (Zero), exclusively blank characters (Blank), and of distinct values including NULL, Zero and blank (Distinct).
Name Length Mean Min Q1 Median Q3 Max Total Missing Zero Blank Distinct
value 3 - 18 84,667,306,995,398.21875000000 0.0 3,008,809,650 49,835,861,750 790,176,250,000 143,039,267,000,000,000 17,024 5,566 ( 32.7% ) 3 ( 0.0% ) 0 ( 0.0% ) 11,410 ( 67.0% )
Table 53. Quality analysis of the table. Column name (Name); completeness of the column (Completeness); uniqueness of the column (Uniqueness); most common value in the column (Most Common Value); least common value in the column (Least Common Value).
Name Completeness Uniqueness Most Common Value Least Common Value
n/a 1154699100000.0
Continuous Data Distribution
Figure 35. Distribution of values in the column.
Figure 36. Visualization of median, min, max, and outliers in the column.
Figure 37. Visualization of completeness of the data in the column.
Figure 38. Visualization of uniqueness of the data in the column.

Changes made to preparatory file


Changes made to data


Unresolved issues


GDP (current USD)

Series Name

Table 54. Standardised metadata of the column. Reported parameter (Parameter); content of the parameter (Content).
Parameter Content
Name Series Name
Description Name of World Development Indicator for which the data is reported.
Data type String
Descriptor dwc:collectionCode [UID:0.0.CLLCT629]
Descriptor description

A term from the Darwin Core standard:

The name, acronym, coden, or initialism identifying the collection or data set from which the record was derived.



Table 55. Content analysis of the table. Column name (Name); range of length of characters (Length); arithmetic mean of values in column (Mean); lowest value in column (Min); first quartile of values in column (Q1); median of values in column (Median); third quartile of values in column (Q3); highest value in column (Max); number of records (Total); number and percentage (between brackets) of all values containing NULL (Missing), the value 0 (Zero), exclusively blank characters (Blank), and of distinct values including NULL, Zero and blank (Distinct).
Name Length Mean Min Q1 Median Q3 Max Total Missing Zero Blank Distinct
Series Name 17 - 17 n/a GDP (current… n/a n/a n/a GDP (current… 17,024 0 ( 0.0% ) 0 ( 0.0% ) 0 ( 0.0% ) 1 ( 0.0% )
Table 56. Quality analysis of the table. Column name (Name); completeness of the column (Completeness); uniqueness of the column (Uniqueness); most common value in the column (Most Common Value); least common value in the column (Least Common Value).
Name Completeness Uniqueness Most Common Value Least Common Value
Series Name
GDP (current US$) GDP (current US$)
Data Distribution Top 20
Figure 39. Distribution of 20 most common values, from highest to lowest.
Figure 40. Visualization of completeness of the data in the column.
Figure 41. Visualization of uniqueness of the data in the column.

Series Code

Table 57. Standardised metadata of the column. Reported parameter (Parameter); content of the parameter (Content).
Parameter Content
Name Series Code
Description Code of the World Bank collection from which the data was obtained.
Data type String
Descriptor dwc:collectionCode [UID:0.0.CLLCT629]
Descriptor description

A term from the Darwin Core standard:

The name, acronym, coden, or initialism identifying the collection or data set from which the record was derived.



Table 58. Content analysis of the table. Column name (Name); range of length of characters (Length); arithmetic mean of values in column (Mean); lowest value in column (Min); first quartile of values in column (Q1); median of values in column (Median); third quartile of values in column (Q3); highest value in column (Max); number of records (Total); number and percentage (between brackets) of all values containing NULL (Missing), the value 0 (Zero), exclusively blank characters (Blank), and of distinct values including NULL, Zero and blank (Distinct).
Name Length Mean Min Q1 Median Q3 Max Total Missing Zero Blank Distinct
Series Code 14 - 14 n/a NY.GDP.MKTP.… n/a n/a n/a NY.GDP.MKTP.… 17,024 0 ( 0.0% ) 0 ( 0.0% ) 0 ( 0.0% ) 1 ( 0.0% )
Table 59. Quality analysis of the table. Column name (Name); completeness of the column (Completeness); uniqueness of the column (Uniqueness); most common value in the column (Most Common Value); least common value in the column (Least Common Value).
Name Completeness Uniqueness Most Common Value Least Common Value
Series Code
Data Distribution Top 20
Figure 42. Distribution of 20 most common values, from highest to lowest.
Figure 43. Visualization of completeness of the data in the column.
Figure 44. Visualization of uniqueness of the data in the column.

Country Name

Table 60. Standardised metadata of the column. Reported parameter (Parameter); content of the parameter (Content).
Parameter Content
Name Country Name
Description Country or area for which the GDP was measured.
Data type String
Descriptor unsd:m49Area [UID:0.0.MAREA519]
Descriptor description

Countries or areas or geographic region used for statistical processing purposes by the Statistics Division of the United Nations Secretariat.



Table 61. Content analysis of the table. Column name (Name); range of length of characters (Length); arithmetic mean of values in column (Mean); lowest value in column (Min); first quartile of values in column (Q1); median of values in column (Median); third quartile of values in column (Q3); highest value in column (Max); number of records (Total); number and percentage (between brackets) of all values containing NULL (Missing), the value 0 (Zero), exclusively blank characters (Blank), and of distinct values including NULL, Zero and blank (Distinct).
Name Length Mean Min Q1 Median Q3 Max Total Missing Zero Blank Distinct
Country Name 4 - 52 n/a Afghanistan n/a n/a n/a Zimbabwe 17,024 0 ( 0.0% ) 0 ( 0.0% ) 0 ( 0.0% ) 266 ( 1.6% )
Table 62. Quality analysis of the table. Column name (Name); completeness of the column (Completeness); uniqueness of the column (Uniqueness); most common value in the column (Most Common Value); least common value in the column (Least Common Value).
Name Completeness Uniqueness Most Common Value Least Common Value
Country Name
Afghanistan Afghanistan
Figure 45. Visualization of completeness of the data in the column.
Figure 46. Visualization of uniqueness of the data in the column.

Country Code

Table 63. Standardised metadata of the column. Reported parameter (Parameter); content of the parameter (Content).
Parameter Content
Name Country Code
Description Country or area for which the GDP was measured.
Data type String
Descriptor unsd:m49Code [UID:0.0.MCODE356]
Descriptor description

Three-digit numerical code of countries or areas used for statistical processing purposes by the Statistics Division of the United Nations Secretariat.



Table 64. Content analysis of the table. Column name (Name); range of length of characters (Length); arithmetic mean of values in column (Mean); lowest value in column (Min); first quartile of values in column (Q1); median of values in column (Median); third quartile of values in column (Q3); highest value in column (Max); number of records (Total); number and percentage (between brackets) of all values containing NULL (Missing), the value 0 (Zero), exclusively blank characters (Blank), and of distinct values including NULL, Zero and blank (Distinct).
Name Length Mean Min Q1 Median Q3 Max Total Missing Zero Blank Distinct
Country Code 3 - 3 n/a ABW n/a n/a n/a ZWE 17,024 0 ( 0.0% ) 0 ( 0.0% ) 0 ( 0.0% ) 266 ( 1.6% )
Table 65. Quality analysis of the table. Column name (Name); completeness of the column (Completeness); uniqueness of the column (Uniqueness); most common value in the column (Most Common Value); least common value in the column (Least Common Value).
Name Completeness Uniqueness Most Common Value Least Common Value
Country Code
Figure 47. Visualization of completeness of the data in the column.
Figure 48. Visualization of uniqueness of the data in the column.


Table 66. Standardised metadata of the column. Reported parameter (Parameter); content of the parameter (Content).
Parameter Content
Name Year
Description Year for which the GDP is provided.
Data type Integer number
Descriptor dwc:year [UID:0.0.YEARA340]
Descriptor description

A term from the Darwin Core standard:

The four-digit year in which the dwc:Event occurred, according to the Common Era Calendar.



Table 67. Content analysis of the table. Column name (Name); range of length of characters (Length); arithmetic mean of values in column (Mean); lowest value in column (Min); first quartile of values in column (Q1); median of values in column (Median); third quartile of values in column (Q3); highest value in column (Max); number of records (Total); number and percentage (between brackets) of all values containing NULL (Missing), the value 0 (Zero), exclusively blank characters (Blank), and of distinct values including NULL, Zero and blank (Distinct).
Name Length Mean Min Q1 Median Q3 Max Total Missing Zero Blank Distinct
Year 4 - 4 1,991.5 1,960 1,975.25 1,991.5 2,007.75 2,023 17,024 0 ( 0.0% ) 0 ( 0.0% ) 0 ( 0.0% ) 64 ( 0.4% )
Table 68. Quality analysis of the table. Column name (Name); completeness of the column (Completeness); uniqueness of the column (Uniqueness); most common value in the column (Most Common Value); least common value in the column (Least Common Value).
Name Completeness Uniqueness Most Common Value Least Common Value
1960 1960
Data Distribution Top 20
Figure 49. Distribution of 20 most common values, from highest to lowest.
Data Distribution Bottom 20
Figure 50. Distribution of 20 least common values, from lowest to highest.
Figure 51. Visualization of median, min, max, and outliers in the column.
Figure 52. Visualization of completeness of the data in the column.
Figure 53. Visualization of uniqueness of the data in the column.


Table 69. Standardised metadata of the column. Reported parameter (Parameter); content of the parameter (Content).
Parameter Content
Name value
Description Value expressed in curreln United States Dollar (USD)
Data type Decimal number
Descriptor beexml:gdpCurrent [UID:0.0.GDPCR796]
Descriptor description

Gross Domestic Product (GDP) expressed in current (or “nominal”) prices for a particular year.



Table 70. Content analysis of the table. Column name (Name); range of length of characters (Length); arithmetic mean of values in column (Mean); lowest value in column (Min); first quartile of values in column (Q1); median of values in column (Median); third quartile of values in column (Q3); highest value in column (Max); number of records (Total); number and percentage (between brackets) of all values containing NULL (Missing), the value 0 (Zero), exclusively blank characters (Blank), and of distinct values including NULL, Zero and blank (Distinct).
Name Length Mean Min Q1 Median Q3 Max Total Missing Zero Blank Distinct
value 9 - 17 1,184,720,366,607.383300781 2,585,955.87411804 2,293,250,000 16,921,087,954.573 201,337,554,959.49 106,171,667,873,321.0 17,024 2,717 ( 16.0% ) 0 ( 0.0% ) 0 ( 0.0% ) 14,179 ( 83.3% )
Table 71. Quality analysis of the table. Column name (Name); completeness of the column (Completeness); uniqueness of the column (Uniqueness); most common value in the column (Most Common Value); least common value in the column (Least Common Value).
Name Completeness Uniqueness Most Common Value Least Common Value
n/a 17930583571.3055
Continuous Data Distribution
Figure 54. Distribution of values in the column.
Figure 55. Visualization of median, min, max, and outliers in the column.
Figure 56. Visualization of completeness of the data in the column.
Figure 57. Visualization of uniqueness of the data in the column.

Changes made to preparatory file


Changes made to data


Unresolved issues
