Exporting bibliographic data from Zotero

With the application Zotero it is possible to export bibliographic information in various standardised formats as a text file. This text can then be imported into the EU Pollinator Hub. This allows the EU Pollinator Hub to correctly interpret, process and display the bibliographic information, an important prerequisite for data quality, data standardisation and interoperability.

  1. Start Zotero) on your computer.
  2. Select the item you want to export.
  3. Right-click the selected item.

Export item

  1. A dialog box opens where you left-click Export item…

  1. The Export… dialog box opens where you can select the Format from the drop-down list in which you would like to export the items. Note that currently only CSL JSON is supported by the EU Pollinator Hub. Select OK.
  2. A file dialog box opens where you can select the directory, edit the File name and Save the file.

See also