Importing bibliographic data into Zotero

Zotero offers various ways to import bibliographic data from a publication into its database. Only the three most common are briefly described here. Please refer to Zotero's software documentation for further information.

Import from a web page with installed Zotero connector on the internet browser

  • Use your browser to call up the web page of the publication to be referenced.
  • Left-click on the icon of the Zotero connector in the toolbar of the browser.
  • Based on the preference settings of the application, the connector will save the bibliographic information in your Zotero database.

Import from a web page without installed Zotero connector on the internet browser

  • Use your browser to call up the web page of the publication to be referenced.
  • Download the citation in any format that can be interpreted by Zotero, among which BibTeX, BibLaTeX, RIS, MODS or Zotero RDF (please refer to a complete list in the Zotero software documentation). The download function is usually provided on the web page of a publication and is often referred to as Cite, Download Citation or Export Citation.
  • Right-click on the downloaded file and select Open with… > Zotero.
  • A dialog box will appear in which you will be asked to confirm that you want to import the file. Select OK.

Import from a copy of a publication in PDF format

  • Drag a copy of a publication in PDF format from your file manager application to the Zotero application. Zotero will try to extract the necessary metadata from the file. If it was successful, the application will add it in your Zotero database.

See also